
Combine all the listed ingredients and stir for 5 minutes with a hand mixer. Pour the mixture evenly into the paper molds (the mass is enough for 12 muffins of standard size or 24 small muffins). Adjust the baking to your oven. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and at the beginning of baking lower the temperature to 180-190 ° C. Bake without a fan for 20-25 minutes.

About the product

Who would have thought that magic can fit into one powdery mixture with pieces of chocolate…
Enjoy the quick preparation and every bite of this chocolate perfection.


Quick preparation

1. Homogenize the Choco mixture with 200ml of water and 170ml of oil.

2. Pour the resulting mass into suitable baking molds.

3. Bake for 20-23 minutes at 180-200˚C.

4. Serve!

Choco Muffins
Choco Orange Cubes
Choco tart